Overland Bound https://www.overlandbound.com Outfit & Explore Tue, 05 Mar 2024 21:44:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 Overland Bound Outfit & Explore clean The Ultimate Non-Alcoholic Drink Guide for the Campfire https://www.overlandbound.com/non-alcoholic-drink-guide-for-the-campfire/ https://www.overlandbound.com/non-alcoholic-drink-guide-for-the-campfire/#comments Mon, 04 Mar 2024 20:52:18 +0000 https://www.overlandbound.com/?p=40051

There is a long tradition of enjoying an adult beverage by the campfire, especially after a long day on the trail. But non-alcoholic drink options for these campfire moments are typically limited and… boring.

I speak from personal experience. My first few campfires after going sober could be summed up by a can of La Croix and a good attitude. I would watch friends unlock mini liquor stores out of the backs of their trucks, and I would sit quietly by the fire while my hands warmed up a trail-shaken can of Pomplemousse.

I did not miss what alcohol did to my health, but I did miss the ritual and reward of a special drink amongst friends. And thanks to a rapidly growing market segment of alcohol abstainers, there are more drinks for the sober and sober-curious now than ever. And some of them are pretty d*mn good.

The list below represents seven years of experimenting, exploring, and taste testing to create a booze-free beverage worthy of any campfire ring.

All opinions are my own, and I fully acknowledge that my subject matter intensity on this topic is borderline ridiculous. Take what you will.

But first things first. What to know before you go.


Non-Alcoholic Drink: 0% vs .5% ABV

A few things to mention about beverages that are .5% alcohol by volume (ABV):

  1. At .5% ABV, you would have to drink 10 cans in one hour to match the effect of one can of 5% ABV beer. 
  2. Foods such as ripe bananas (.4-.6%) and hamburger buns (1.2%) have higher ABV than any of the drinks listed below.
  3. Here in the US, the Food and Drug Administration considers drinks with less than .5% ABV to only have trace amounts of alcohol, allowing a company to label their drinks non-alcoholic. 

Real Talk: It is essential to understand what works best for you, especially if you’re in recovery or have an allergy. Please research in advance. 

Non-Alcoholic Versions of Hard Liquor are a HARD NO (Trust Us) 

A rule of thumb from years of taste testing and experimentation: Stay away from non-alcoholic whiskey, gin, tequila, or other spirits that attempt to recreate hard liquor. Very few stand independently, and most leave our palettes sad and our stomachs queasy, with one exception. (See below.)

If you miss the complex flavor profiles of hard alcohol, focus instead on NA spirits like Seedlip, aperitifs like Ghia, or phenomenally crafted beverages from Curious Elixirs. None of these beverages attempt to recreate alcohol. Instead, they focus on creating a complex and satisfying drinking experience that encourages sipping and savoring.

Now let’s get into it!

Best .5% Alcohol Beer: Athletic Brewing Run Wild IPA

Non-Alcoholic Drink Guide Run Wild

Cases of bright blue Run Wild are in just about every grocery store and liquor store fridge for a reason. Run Wild offers all the hoppiness and complexity of an IPA with less than 0.5% alcohol. Cracking open an ice-cold can at the end of the day gives you the whole sensory experience of beer without the buzz. 

I have poured a cold can of Run Wild for many family members, friends, and trail buddies. In the words of my IPA-loving younger brother, “If you hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have known.” 

If you prefer an IPA with more bite, check out Free Wave Hazy IPA, also by Athletic Brewing. It is also a winner.

Best 0% Alcohol Beer: Asahi Super Dry Zero

Non-Alcoholic Drink Guide 2024 Asahi Super Dry Zero

A few 0% beers are on the market, Heineken Zero being the most well-known. 

Skip it. Seek out Asahi Super Dry Zero instead. 

Asahi pulls off a full-bodied lager-style NA beer that retains a robust body and avoids the watery graves most 0% lagers swim in. The Super Dry Zero is more malt than hops (but the hops are there) and avoids the slightly sweet aftertaste typical in 0% options. 

Be sure to pick up the Super Dry Zero. The Dry Zero is OK but much thinner on the palate. 

Best Spirit That Doesn’t Pretend to be an Alcohol Derivative: Seedlip Grove 42

Non-Alcoholic Drink Guide 2024 Seedlip Grove

Seedlip Grove 42 is a fantastic base for a wide range of NA cocktails. Add 2oz of Grove to cranberry juice, give it a little sparking water and a splash of lime, and you have an excellent non-alcoholic drink.

Grove’s flavors blend blood orange, mandarin, lemon, and ginger, making it a joy when mixed with tonics, soda water, ginger ale, or fresh juice. 

Honestly, the entire Seedlip collection is worthy, but Grove is the one I keep returning to. Head to their website and check out their recipe page for inspiration.  

Best Mocktails: Curious Elixirs No 2 & No 4

Non-Alcoholic Drink Guide Curious Elixirs No 2

Curious Elixirs is in a category of their own. They make no attempt to replicate alcohol – instead, they focus on creating botanical drinks with tons of personality that reference established drinks. 

Curious Elixirs No. 2 is the most complicated NA cocktail I’ve experienced. The first time I drank this over ice with a slice of lime, I just about fell over – there’s a very slight hint of a smoky mezcal underneath a sweet/savory pineapple and ginger ‘burn.’ It somehow tastes like a margarita, but it is entirely different at the same time. This is my favorite summer campfire ‘adult’ beverage.

Curious Elixirs No 4 suggests an Italian blood orange Aperol spritz for those who love a bit more citrus. Add a sprig of mint to your drink, and you’ve got something far beyond the ordinary.

Non-Alcoholic Drink Guide 2024 Curious 4

Best Mixers: Portland Syrups

Non-Alcoholic Drink Guide 2024 Portland Syrup

Portland Syrups is a playground. You can create your own 100% non-alcoholic drink by using one of their syrups with sparkling water and adding garnishes like rosemary sprigs or citrus wedges. Throw a bottle or two of these into your mobile pantry to play with, and you’re set. 

Best NA Hard Liquor Drink Alternative: Monday Gin

Non-Alcoholic Drink Guide 2024 Monday

If you want to give one NA spirit a go, make it Monday Gin

Monday Gin has a heavy juniper nose that carries all the way to the midpoint of the drink until it settles into a mild sour citrus/grapefruit tail end. The juniper in Monday is the element that pushes it into acceptable territory. The complexity is there. 

I don’t suggest drinking Monday on its own, but then again, how many gins did I ever drink on their own?

Mix Monday in your favorite tonic, and you have something close to the real thing. Plus, Monday has zero carbs, zero sugar, and zero calories for the health-conscious. 

And make sure you have ice. Drink this lukewarm at your own peril. 

Runners up that are still winners:

Ghia Sumac & Chili (canned) – Aperitif with a burn. Ready to sip in its can. 

De Soi Golden Hour (canned) – Adaptogens for the win. An excellent blend of herbaceous and citrus notes makes this an enjoyable sipping experience. 

Surely Brut (canned) – Hits the right sparkling wine notes, but like all NA wine, it falls off quickly. This at least gets the front of the drink right and mixes brilliantly with OJ.  

Brew Dog Punk AF – Lots of Hops at just 25 calories per can

As someone who has gone from clutching a La Croix with disappointment to creating my own unique non-alcoholic drinks, I hope this inspires you to explore, experiment or just have fun next time you’re socializing around the campfire. 

A non-boozey cheers to you!  

https://www.overlandbound.com/non-alcoholic-drink-guide-for-the-campfire/feed/ 17
Overland Bound Member of the Month: Neil Hall https://www.overlandbound.com/overland-bound-member-of-the-month-neil-hall/ https://www.overlandbound.com/overland-bound-member-of-the-month-neil-hall/#comments Thu, 04 Jan 2024 21:54:35 +0000 https://www.overlandbound.com/?p=39928

Written by Owen Lystrup

In all the challenges that come along with overlanding—or any outdoor activity for that matter—the hardest can be just getting out there. Be it a lack of funds, a hectic schedule, family responsibilities or even injuries, the excuses to not go out in the wild can seem endless if you let them.

Overland Bound member Neil Hall (OB #2420, @bwildjournals) has had his share of excuses to not go, but something calls.

A man stands looking upward while outdoors.

Neil takes a very ‘no excuses’ approach to getting out and enjoying the outdoors. Being in the Pacific Northwest near Seattle, the wild is near and abundant, but challenges throw Neil’s way have almost prevented him from getting out at all.

“There’s been a couple times lately that I’ve wanted to throw in the towel and say, ‘forget it,’ because it’s just too hard,” Hall said in an interview. 

For Neil, getting out in the wild is something he’s revered since he was young and took trips with his father. In the past, it’s been hard for him to get outdoors because of injuries, one of which cost him his job. Neil worked as a maintenance mechanic at the University of Washington, and one day walking through the shop his boot caught a stair just enough to cause a pretty severe fall that caused a fracture in his calcaneus (the heel bone). 

Anyone who’s had one will likely say that a fracture in the foot is one of the toughest recoveries, especially if your work or hobbies require a simple action like walking. For Neil the recovery was definitely a hard one.

“The healing process took a long time, and it didn’t heal the way it was expected to,” he said. After a long recovery period, the university made attempts to work with him and keep him employed, but ultimately let him go, which put Neil on a very tightly fixed income.

During Neil’s walkaround video featured on the Overland Bound YouTube channel, you can see he’s wearing a brace on his wrist. After healing from the heel fracture that left him without a job, Neil attended an Off the Grid rally. On the return trip from the rally, Neil fell from the ladder of his CVT rooftop tent. 

“I fell half the height of the ladder, probably three or four feet. But I’m 220 pounds, and I landed on my wrist, and it didn’t like that very much,” he said.

The rest of the trip home, Neil said instead of climbing into the RTT, he slept under the tailgate of his truck. 

“At first I thought, ‘Oh I’ll be fine,’” he said. “’I’ll just put some ice on it.’” When he was home and could have a doctor look at the wrist, he was told it wasn’t going to heal quickly. “My [physical therapist] told me I did one of the most destructive injuries you can do to a wrist.”

The healing process took over two years and required two surgeries. The doctor also told him if he has one more bad fall or a bend of the wrist the wrong way, he’s going to have to get another surgery that will be a full fusion. “You won’t like that,” the doctor added.

A 4 Runner parked in the desert with a Gazelle Tent next to it.

He now travels with a Gazelle Tent to keep low to the ground and avoid any further injuries to his wrist. 

Neil has been living off a budget that makes it difficult to keep a hobby like overlanding going, let alone doing any kind of build project on a rig. 

“If I can wing a tank of gas, that’s usually when I go,” Neil said. 

Neil also has a creative mind that drives him. He finds ways to repurpose materials for his truck that can get him amenities he’s looking for. Projects he’s worked on in the past include a custom slider box made from a repurposed entertainment center he found at a Goodwill.

His truck features a navigation Ram mount he got off a clearance shelf for $15. He also has one for his phone, which he bought for $5. The CVT tent—Neil’s biggest splurge that he sold for worry of another fall that would permanently cripple his wrist—was protected from branches and other trail debris with an old snowboard he mounted to his truck’s rack. And rather than paying for an expensive side awning, he used a custom rigged tarp cut to six-foot sections and held up with poles he bought from a hardware store. 

“I have a lot of ideas,” he said. “Some of them are good, some not so good. I wanted the fancy rigs I see in videos, but I just can’t afford it.” Rather than go without, Neil just finds ways to improvise.

A fully loaded overland 4 Runner

You can now find Neil trekking through the PNW in his 4 Runner.

His creativity, he said, has just always been there. “I used to draw a lot, and I got pretty good,” he said. “I started taking photos and doing videos for YouTube and Instagram for that creative outlet. When I don’t have what I need, I think about what I need to buy or what I could find to make it.”

In addition to exercising his creative mind, Neil found the outdoors helped his state of mind as well. He was in a prolonged depressive state when he heard about an Overland Bound meetup nearby in August 2016.

“That’s when I first crashed the party,” he said. Neil said he was hunting for a tent online when he came across an Overland Bound video, which led him to the meetup. 

“I was too shy. I don’t talk to people ever. But some kind of leap-of-faith pushed me to go, and I crashed the party, so to speak.” Neil said he felt a bit like an outsider when he arrived, but soon met another Overland Bound member who greeted him with a hug. 

“He told me where to camp, told me not to worry about anything, and I signed up for Overland Bound the day I got home from the trip.”

“Overland Bound helped me more than they will ever know,” he said. “I can’t even say in words what Overland Bound did for this person.”

He’s been trying to keep the good tidings going, paying it forward by improving the world on each trip he’s able to take. “The Trail Guardian program is a big deal to me. In the Pacific Northwest, homelessness is a big problem. Not only is it in the cities, but it’s moved into the forest. Some of these people when they leave, they leave everything behind. A couple months later, the animals have gotten to it and taken stuff here and there. It gets to the point where no one wants to camp there.”

A before and after of a cleaned up campsite.

Neil said when he goes, if he sees a campsite that’s obviously been deserted, he fills his truck with gear, garbage and anything left behind. 

“That’s my goal when I go out. I try and leave it better than I found it.”

A big thank you to Neil for sharing part of his story and for being such a postitive member of the Overland Bound community. 

https://www.overlandbound.com/overland-bound-member-of-the-month-neil-hall/feed/ 1
12 Tips to Overland on a Budget https://www.overlandbound.com/12-tips-to-overland-on-a-budget/ https://www.overlandbound.com/12-tips-to-overland-on-a-budget/#respond Tue, 13 Jun 2023 19:59:45 +0000 https://www.overlandbound.com/?p=39841

Overland on a budget without breaking the bank? Yes! It’s possible. Creating a budget for your overland adventures is a simple and straightforward way to get the most bang for buck while exploring roads paved and unpaved. Keeping and (most importantly) maintaining that budget can add miles to your route and help avoid cutting trips short if you get hit with unexpected expenses or have your trip impacted with volatile costs like gas. (Gas prices in California. It’s a thing.) 

Here are 12 tips and tricks to help you plan and execute a budget-friendly overlanding trip.

Plan your route in advance

Planning your route in advance can save you money and time. Research your destination and identify any free or low-cost campsites, as well as any must-see landmarks or attractions along the way. Use maps and online resources to map out your route and estimate fuel costs.

A phone displaying Overland Bound One mapping screen

Pack efficiently for better MPG

This might not seem obvious, but the more you overload your vehicle, the more you will consume fuel. Since fuel is the most volatile necessity, this can quickly eat into your budget. 

Constantly scrutinize the gear and equipment you carry. Ask yourself if the item is vital such as recovery gear and tools, or if it’s ‘nice to have’ like propane fire pits and large gas stoves. Finding ways to shave even one hundred pounds from your load out can make a difference. 

This can’t be emphasized enough. Pack only the essentials, and prioritize lightweight and multipurpose gear. The ultralight hiking crowd has great insight on this topic. This article from Clever Hiker is a fantastic resource. 

Photo credit: Clever Hiker

Buy used for big overland on a budget wins

Make Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, thrift stores and gently used gear stores your friend. You would be surprised at how much gear you can acquire at steep discounts just by being open to gently used items. 

Corporations are taking note of this trend and many companies have launched their own buy back programs for their gear. The REI Resupply site is a great example of this. When you buy used from the source you can be assured that the quality they represent is accurate. 

Various sleeping bags available through REI Resupply

REI Resupply has a wide range of gently used sleeping gear available at steep discounts.

Rent Your Gear

This tip is for those who keep their immediate cash flow top of mind. Rather than commit to a large investment in pieces like sleeping bags, bulky kitchen gear and tents, consider renting or borrowing this gear. You will avoid a huge outflow of cash and you will have a better idea on what you do want to spend money on. 

There’s an argument both ways here when it comes to budget. By renting gear you are adding cost to the purchase of big ticket items like sleeping bags down the line. 

But you could also argue that renting the gear helps you make a highly informed decision on what you want to invest in. Gear rental could help you realize that you want to spend more for a sleeping bag, and not spend as much on a gas stove. 

There are variety of gear rental options available, including ordering online with companies like Xscape Pod.  

The Excape Pod camping rental kit

Cook your own meals

Eating out at restaurants can quickly add up, especially in remote or touristy areas. Instead, plan to cook your own meals using ingredients in your cooler/fridge and pantry box. If you have a small portable camping stove like a JetBoil, even better. Stock up on non-perishable food items like canned goods and pasta, and shop for fresh produce and meats as you go.

There is something to be said about pulling over to a rest stop or parking lot and making a quick meal from your tailgate. You are also WAY more likely to have a healthy meal vs the drive thru. 

Bring your own water

Water can be expensive to buy in remote areas, so bring your own supply. Pack a multi gallon water storage solution or a hydration system, and bring a water filtration system or purification tablets for emergencies.

You do not have to break the bank on water storage containers. Camping water jugs typically come in either 5 gallon or 2.5 gallon sizes and a solid jug will run you about $35. 

Pro Tip: It can be easier to carry two 2.5 gallon containers to make portability and refilling easier. 

Be sure to take the time to research potable water refilling stations along your route in advance. 

And for those who aren’t crazy about the taste of ‘plain’ water, consider grabbing a few flavor solutions like Mio. You’ll get instant flavor without the cost or bulk of canned soda or juice. 

DIY maintenance

This falls into the category of a little education that can go a LONG way to extend your budget. 

Learn how to perform basic vehicle maintenance tasks like oil changes, tire rotations, and brake pad replacements. Not only can this save you money, but it can also give you peace of mind knowing that you can take care of any issues that may arise on the road.

Two people under an overland truck fixing it

Travel during the off-season

Traveling during the off-season can save you money on campsite fees, gas prices, and even tourist attractions. Consider visiting popular destinations during the shoulder season or winter months when prices are typically lower.

Shorter destination hopping

This tip falls into the immediate cash flow category as well. This is about leveraging the time you have on the road against the distance to your planned destinations. The less you have to travel between destinations or the more time you can take to get there, the less cash you will spend on gas. 

This can take many different shapes and forms. You can decide to front load your journey with hundreds of miles so you can land in an area with numerous experiences in close proximity. Or you can decide to take a more local trip with plenty of downtime in the afternoon and evenings. 

The high level takeaway from this tip is to reduce the pressure to see it all, do it all, cover it all, visit it all, and travel it all in one fell swoop. You don’t have to travel very far to experience adventure. 

Join a community

This can’t be emphasized enough. Overlanding communities can be a great resource for budget-conscious travelers. Join online forums or social media groups to connect with other overlanders and learn about free or low-cost campsites, meal prep advice, tips on vehicle maintenance, and more.

We feel obligated to mention the Overland Bound community for this very purpose. Learn more here.

Keep a budget spreadsheet

Keeping track of your expenses can help you stay within your budget and avoid overspending. Use a spreadsheet or budgeting app to track your expenses, including fuel, food, campsite fees, and any other costs associated with your trip.

This tip can be an act of discipline for some, especially if you’re used to just going with the spending flow. Check in often and see how close you can stay to your budget. 

Have fun

Overlanding on a budget is an exercise in creative thinking and problem solving. The process of rethinking the conveniences you are used to and reimagining them for the road can be, dare we say, fun. 

More importantly, it’s an opportunity to take inventory of the ‘things’ we carry with us and the patterns of spending that we might be used to. Breaking the habit of hitting the drive thru on the road and stopping to make a quick meal instead is just one way to take a pause around the ‘usual’ routine. 

We are pretty darn passionate about overland travel and exploration, so we created an online community and mapping and navigation app to help people get outside their comfort zone. You can join up here.

We hope this article helps inspire you to rethink adventure and push you just a little bit further down the road. See you out there!

https://www.overlandbound.com/12-tips-to-overland-on-a-budget/feed/ 0
Overland Bound One 11.21 is Summer Ready https://www.overlandbound.com/overland-bound-one-11-21-is-summer-ready/ https://www.overlandbound.com/overland-bound-one-11-21-is-summer-ready/#comments Thu, 25 May 2023 13:08:36 +0000 https://www.overlandbound.com/?p=39771

What’s new in Overland Bound One

Summer adventures are about to begin and Overland Bound One is READY for it. Version 11.21 of Overland Bound One is packed with a full suite of new features, performance improvements and a few changes to make planning your next adventure easier.

Here are the highlights:

  • Quick visual filter system to easily view all your saved Points of Interest (POI) to assist with trip planning
  • 3D Terrain Preview
  • GPX import and save improvements
  • New Map Layer: Fire
  • Offline sync system for POIs improved
  • POI creation streamlined with easy toggle for Public/Private
  • Upload multiple images when creating a POI
  • Improved UI for navigating POI pop up and display cards on the map
  • Performance improvements (image cache, POI & Member/User data)

Create your own map view

Overland Bound One Save your favorite points of interest

The new ‘Saved’ tab in the map allows you to quickly view the locations that are most relevant to you. With just one tap you bring the POIs you want to see to the top of the map. Adding or removing these points is as easy as tapping an icon and marking the save button


Use the Saved Tab in the Resource Map to see what you want to see.

Create a Custom View for Your Overland Trip

When you save a point of interest by bookmarking it, you can create a personalized view of  the resource map in the Saved tab.

Only view what is relevant to you on your overland, car camping or adventure travel journey.

All your locations in one place

With the improved sync system for POIs, users can now easily keep their saved locations up-to-date across different devices.

POIs created as a quick save or full save while offline will automatically sync once your device connects to the internet or you manage to find that one sliver of cellular reception.

Easier than ever to upload GPX files + 3D preview

Overland Bound One 3D Preview

GPX import and save is even easier, allowing users to quickly import shared or saved GPX files from other mapping sources.

The 3D Preview feature provides a more immersive view of the terrain, helping users plan their overland adventures more effectively.


Share that free Wi-Fi spot, keep that campsite for you

Overland Bound One public and private settings for points of interest

Creating public or private POIs has also been streamlined, making it easier for users to share or keep their favorite spots to themselves.

We’ve loosened up the details required for private POIs so you can quickly mark your map with as much or as little detail as you need.

Want to share more information like that awesome local coffee shop with the free Wi-Fi or your trusted mechanic? Awesome! Just add the pertinent details and save your POI as public.

Your location contribution earns you major map points and helps other adventure travelers on their overland trips.

Never forget a spot with multi image upload

And you can now upload multiple images when creating a POI, providing more context and visual information about the location.

Map improvements

There have been updates to POI pop-ups and display cards on the map to provide a more intuitive and seamless experience.

Additionally, improvements have been made to image caching, as well as how all the map data is handled to optimize performance.

Spot fire activity before starting out on your trek

And finally, the new Fire map layer helps users stay informed about wildfire activity in their area.

Overall, the latest update to the Overland Bound One app brings multiple features and improvements together to make it a robust tool for planning and executing all your overland journeys.

Combined with the tap and snap route planner, location from image uploader, Rally Point event planner and the community forums, we have you covered EVERY step of the way. 

You can download Overland Bound One for iOS or Android for free. Annual members receive full access to all trip planning and navigation tools in the Resource Map plus 5% off all gear in the Overland Bound Gear Store.

Join today to get started. 

https://www.overlandbound.com/overland-bound-one-11-21-is-summer-ready/feed/ 2
Getting Started: A Camp Kitchen Guide https://www.overlandbound.com/getting-started-a-camp-kitchen-guide/ https://www.overlandbound.com/getting-started-a-camp-kitchen-guide/#respond Wed, 26 Apr 2023 15:11:15 +0000 https://www.overlandbound.com/?p=39705

When it comes to overlanding, having a well-stocked and organized camp kitchen is essential for a successful and enjoyable trip. Whether you’re planning a multi-week excursion or a weekend getaway, having the right gear and equipment can make all the difference. 

From portable stoves and cookware to food storage containers and cleaning supplies, creating an efficient and functional overland camp kitchen requires careful planning and preparation. Let’s explore the essential gear and equipment needed for an overland camp kitchen, as well as checklists and shopping lists to help you get started.

The Camp Kitchen

Building out a camp kitchen can be one of the most rewarding aspects of creating an overland and car camping capable vehicle. There is something deeply satisfying about taking the time to prepare a meal after a full day of adventure travel. And sitting around a campfire and eating your meal under the stars is an added bonus. 

Camp Kitchen Gear

The best off-road camp kitchen kits are both compact and versatile. Thanks to the design and innovation of outdoor gear makers, this is easier to achieve than you might think. And it is possible to hit all the outdoor kitchen marks on a budget. 

Camp Kitchen Gear Checklist

Here’s a list of considerations as you pack out or revise your set up:

  • Stove and fuel: A portable stove is a must-have for any overlanding trip, as it allows you to cook your meals on the go. There are many different types of stoves available, ranging from compact backpacking stoves to larger, more powerful models that can handle larger pots and pans. Make sure to bring enough fuel to last for the duration of your trip. Consider the weight of the stove and how many burners are available to use.
  • Cookware and utensils: A set of pots and pans, along with basic cooking utensils such as a spatula, ladle and tongs, will enable you to prepare a wide range of meals on the road. Consider investing in lightweight and durable cookware that can withstand the rough conditions of overlanding.
  • Cutting board and knives: You’ll need a sturdy cutting board and at least one sharp knife to chop vegetables, fruits, and meats. Opt for compact and portable options that won’t take up too much space in your storage bins.
  • Plates and cups: Don’t forget to pack plates and cups for serving your meals. Lightweight and stackable options are best for overlanding.
  • Cooler or fridge: A high-quality cooler or fridge solution is essential for keeping perishable foods fresh during your trip. Consider investing in a heavy-duty cooler that can withstand rough terrain and extreme temperatures.
  • Food storage containers: You’ll need a variety of food storage containers to keep your dry goods and snacks organized and easily accessible.
  • Cleaning supplies: Dish soap, sponge, and towels are essential for keeping your kitchen clean and hygienic. We keep alcohol wipes in our kit when water needs to be conserved.
  • Don’t forget to pack a small trash can and garbage bags for proper waste disposal. Leave it better than you found it.

Escape 3-in-1 pot and frypan from GSI Outdoors

A favorite piece of camp kitchen gear we use is the Escape HS 3 L Pot + Frypan from GSI. It is a pot and pan combo that packs down flat and is an absolute game changer for a camp kitchen packout. 

Advice if you are just starting out: Use what you already own, and focus on bringing in one or two pieces of new camp kitchen kit at a time. Get to know your cooking style outdoors because it can vary from your usual recipes and routines. 

Once you feel like you have a handle on your go to meals and preparation styles, invest more in the kitchen accessories that will make meal creation the most enjoyable to you. 

Camp Kitchen Pantry & Perishables

Once you have your checklist of necessary gear and equipment, it’s time to stock up on the supplies you need for your trip. Here’s where creativity and planning come together. The camp kitchen is best served by versatile ingredients that can be used across many different meals. 

One example of this would be packing perishables that can transition from dinner to breakfast. Cherry tomatoes and mushrooms can be mixed together and sauteed with precooked rice to go with a protein at dinner, and then can be used the next morning to cook in with your eggs. 

You can use eggs for both breakfast and as an ingredient in a stir fry. A camp stir fry is a great way to use leftovers from previous meals. 

Camp Kitchen set up with a skottle making a stir fry in the desert

A Tembo Tusk skottle is a great investment for those who cook for their family or usually find themselves feeding everyone on a trip. At $395.00 it’s not an inconsequential investment; however, every single person we know who uses one reports they will never go back to pan and burner. 

Once you get going it’s easy to create meals with overlapping ingredients. This will make you pack out simpler and more efficient.  

Camp Kitchen Pantry Checklist

Here’s a shopping list of food items to consider for your overland camp kitchen:

  • Dry goods: Pasta, rice, quinoa, and other grains are great options for a filling and nutritious meal.
  • Spices and seasonings: An important element to any meal! You’ll need your standard S&P plus consider bringing chili powder, garlic powder, an herb blend, a dry rub, hot sauce or any other favorite you use regularly in your kitchen.
  • Canned goods: Soups, beans, and vegetables are easy to store and can be heated up quickly on your stove. Don’t underestimate the power of a can of tomatoes to add flavor and depth to a meal.
  • Perishables: Fresh proteins, vegetables, cheese and fruits are the ingredients that will make your meal feel special. Consider marinating protein and packing out in a ziplock or tupperware container. Harder cheeses can last longer and be used for just about any meal. Fruit can be turned into a dessert with a few cookies and powdered sugar. 
  • Dried fruits and nuts: These are perfect for snacking and can provide a quick burst of energy during a long day of driving.
  • Jerky: A protein-packed snack that doesn’t require refrigeration and can be stored in a food container.
  • Dehydrated meals: Pre-packaged dehydrated meals are a convenient option for a hot meal on the go. A Jet Boil works great if you’re planning on filling your meals with this option. 

Camp Kitchen set up with a stove and pots

Camp Kitchen Wrap Up

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to create a functional and efficient camp kitchen that will allow you to enjoy delicious meals while on your overland adventure. So start planning your next trip and happy overlanding!

The Overland Gear Store has a wide range of camp kitchen gear. Head on over to checkout the full collection.

What’s the one tool in your camp kitchen you can’t live without? What ingredients do you always carry? Let us know in the comments. 


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Don’t Leave Home Without This – Overland Tool Kit Essentials https://www.overlandbound.com/overland-tool-kit-essentials/ https://www.overlandbound.com/overland-tool-kit-essentials/#comments Sat, 15 Apr 2023 19:45:18 +0000 https://www.overlandbound.com/?p=26458

What’s in your overland tool kit? Overlanding is an adventure-filled way of traveling that involves driving your vehicle off-road and into the great outdoors. It’s a journey that requires a great deal of preparation, including having the right tools to handle any mechanical issues that may arise. 

Overland Tool Kit Basics

An overland tool kit should be comprehensive and include everything from basic hand tools to specialized equipment for off-road travel. It’s essential to have a wide range of tools available in case of emergencies or unexpected repairs. 

A good tool kit should be compact and portable, so it can be easily stored in your vehicle without taking up too much space. Remember, the contents of the kit are going to be vehicle dependent, so you need to do a bit of research on the basic tool requirements for the make and model of your vehicle.

Pro tip: Err on the side of ‘more’ when you’re first getting started, and then edit down with experience. 

The Essentials

Here’s a list of some basic items:

  1. Wrenches: A set of wrenches, both standard and metric, is a must-have for any overland tool kit. Make sure to include both open-end and box-end wrenches.
  2. Screwdrivers: Bring a set of screwdrivers, including both Phillips and flathead. A set of precision screwdrivers can also come in handy for smaller jobs.
  3. Pliers: A set of pliers, including slip-joint, needle-nose, and locking pliers, can handle a wide range of tasks.
  4. WD-40 or similar multipurpose spray lubricant, protectant, cleaner, etc. This is especially useful for stuck parts. 
  5. Super glue and waterproof tape such as T-Rex.
  6. Socket Set: A socket set with both standard and metric sizes will allow you to tackle most nuts and bolts.
  7. Tire Repair Kit: A tire repair kit is an essential item for any overlander. Make sure to include a tire plug kit, tire pressure gauge, and a portable air compressor.
  8. Jumper Cables: Jumper cables are a must-have in case your battery dies. Make sure to get heavy-duty cables capable of handling the amperage required for your vehicle.
  9. Duct Tape, Zip Ties and Bale Wire: The trifecta of trail repairs. 
  10. Multi-Tool: A multi-tool, such as a Leatherman, can be a lifesaver in a pinch. It includes a variety of tools in one compact package.
  11. Shovel: A collapsible shovel can be used for digging yourself out of mud or snow, creating a fire pit, or digging a latrine.
  12. Flashlight and Batteries: Keep a small flashlight or headlamp with your tools at all times so proper lighting is always available. 
  13. Spare Parts: It’s a good idea to carry spare parts such as belts, hoses, and fuses.

Tool Rolls and Storage

A heavy-duty tool roll is an excellent option for storing your overland tool kit. We have been using our Adventure Tool Company ShopRoll since 2018 and is a perfect example of a high-quality tool roll designed to keep your tools organized and secure. 

The tool roll is made from durable waxed canvas and features multiple pockets to keep your tools in place. It rolls up compactly and can be secured with a buckle, making it easy to store in your vehicle.

We found that a combination of a heavy-duty tool roll with an equally heavy-duty gear bag carries everything we need with room for extra. 

Carrying a small stash of heavy duty ziplock bags, garage rags, and a roll of heavy duty paper towels are also good things to have with you on the trail. 

Final Thoughts

Remember, adventure is best when properly planned. Know your limits and be safe. And carry additional items that might be necessary for a repair like satellite communication options to communicate when traveling off-grid and a solid First Aid Kit. 

Let us know your trail repair experiences and advice in the comments below. Safe travels out there!

https://www.overlandbound.com/overland-tool-kit-essentials/feed/ 17
Off-Road Travel Basics: How to Get Started https://www.overlandbound.com/off-road-travel-basics-how-to-get-started/ https://www.overlandbound.com/off-road-travel-basics-how-to-get-started/#respond Sun, 09 Apr 2023 21:05:22 +0000 https://overlandbound.com/?p=39415

Off-road travel is an exhilarating way to experience the great outdoors and connect with nature. It’s a form of outdoor recreation that involves traveling over rough, unpaved terrain in a vehicle specifically designed for the task. This is where overlanding comes in, where you go on long journeys, often for weeks or months, in a self-sufficient manner, using your vehicle as your home on the road.

Let’s go over the basics needed to trek off-road from vehicle selection to modifications to gear.

The basics of off-road travel

A vehicle splattered with mud from traveling off road


When it comes to off-road travel, having the right vehicle is crucial. You need a vehicle that can handle the rough terrain, keep you safe, and provide comfort for extended periods of time. 

Here are some vehicle requirements and features to consider when in the market for an off-road vehicle:

4-wheel drive: A 4-wheel drive (4WD) vehicle is a must-have for off-road travel. It provides better traction and stability on uneven terrain, especially when driving over rocks, mud, and sand.

Ground clearance: The vehicle’s ground clearance is the distance between the ground and the underside of the vehicle. The higher the clearance, the better your vehicle can clear obstacles on the trail.

Off-road tires: The tires you choose for your off-road vehicle will depend on the type of terrain you’ll be driving on. Generally, off-road tires have a more aggressive tread pattern, stronger side walls for airing down and are designed to provide better traction and stability on rough surfaces.

An overland vehicle treks uphill across a rocky terrain

Skid plates: Skid plates protect the underside of your vehicle from rocks, sticks, and other debris you may encounter on the trail.

Locking differentials: Locking differentials distribute power to both wheels evenly, which provides better traction when driving on uneven terrain.*

Suspension: An off-road suspension system is designed to absorb impact when driving on rough terrain, providing a smoother ride.

Winch: A winch is a mechanical device used to pull your vehicle out of a tough spot. It’s a useful tool to have when you’re driving on remote trails.

* Around the Corner is a 1937 film from General Motors that is hands down the simplest and best explanation and demonstration of how a differential works. It’s a 9 minute must watch for those new to the vehicle side of adventure travel.

Committing to a vehicle

Now that you know what to look for in an off-road vehicle, here is a checklist of items to consider when purchasing one:

Research: Do your research and find a reputable dealer that specializes in off-road vehicles. Read reviews and ask for recommendations from other off-road enthusiasts.

Budget: Determine your budget and find a vehicle that fits within your price range.

Size: Consider the size of the vehicle you need. Do you want a small, nimble vehicle, or a larger vehicle with more storage space?

Type of off-road driving: Consider the type of off-road driving you’ll be doing. Will you be driving on rocky terrain or through mud and sand?

Test drive: Take the vehicle for a test drive to see how it handles on the road and off-road.

Maintenance: Find out about the vehicle’s maintenance requirements and costs. Off-road vehicles require more maintenance than regular vehicles, so it’s important to factor this into your decision.

Safety features: Look for vehicles with advanced safety features such as stability control, anti-lock brakes, and airbags.

Comfort features: Consider features such as air conditioning, comfortable seats, and a good sound system, as you may be spending long periods of time in the vehicle.

What to bring

An overland vehicle sits on a trail next to a river

When it comes to overlanding or off-road travel, it’s important to pack the right gear to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience. Here’s a run down of essential gear to consider when packing for your overlanding adventure:

Navigation: A GPS system or map and compass are essential for navigation, especially when traveling through remote areas. Don’t rely solely on electronic devices as they can run out of battery or lose reception.

Communication: A reliable communication device, such as a satellite phone or two-way radio, can be crucial in emergency situations or when traveling in groups.

Shelter: A tent or other form of shelter is essential for camping out in remote areas. Look for a tent that is easy to set up and provides adequate protection from the elements.

Sleeping gear: A comfortable sleeping bag and sleeping pad will make all the difference when it comes to a good night’s rest. Look for gear that is suitable for the climate you’ll be traveling in.

Cooking gear: A camp stove, cooking utensils, and a cooler will allow you to prepare meals and keep food fresh. Don’t forget to bring enough water for drinking and cooking.

Lighting: Headlamps and flashlights are essential for navigating in the dark, especially when setting up camp or hiking.

Tools: A basic toolkit that includes a shovel, axe, and tire repair kit can be invaluable when it comes to fixing minor vehicle issues or getting out of tough spots.

First aid kit: A comprehensive first aid kit should include bandages, antiseptic, pain relievers, and other medical supplies.

Clothing: Pack clothing suitable for the climate you’ll be traveling in, including layers for warmth, rain gear, and sturdy shoes or boots.

Emergency gear: Consider packing emergency gear such as a fire starter kit, signal flares, and a personal locator beacon (PLB).

Trash and waste management: Bring trash bags and a way to pack out waste to ensure you leave the environment as you found it.

Something else to consider is entertainment: Books, games, binoculars or other forms of entertainment can make downtime more enjoyable. 

Dispersed camping in an overland vehicle


What else do I need to know?

In addition to everything mentioned above, there are a few more things you should keep in mind when planning an off-road travel adventure:

Respect the environment: When traveling off-road, it’s important to respect the environment and leave no trace. This means packing out all trash, staying on designated trails, and avoiding sensitive areas. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the TreadLightly! principles.

Know your limits: Off-road travel can be challenging and even dangerous, especially for those who are inexperienced. It’s important to know your limits and only attempt trails that are within your skill level.

Be prepared for emergencies: When traveling off-road, it’s important to be prepared for emergencies. This includes carrying a first aid kit, extra water, and emergency supplies such as a fire extinguisher, flares, and a satellite communication device.

Stay connected: When traveling off-road, it’s important to stay connected to the outside world. This means carrying a GPS device or smartphone with GPS capabilities, as well as a radio for communication with others in your group or emergency services if needed. 

Stay informed: It’s important to stay informed about weather conditions, trail closures, and other important information when planning an off-road travel adventure. This information can be obtained from park rangers, local authorities, or online resources.

By keeping these things in mind and taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable off-road travel adventure. And remember, the key to a successful off-road trip is preparation, planning, and a willingness to adapt to changing conditions.

A man uses an app to navigate in the high Utah desert

We love this type of travel so much we built an app

We live and breathe off-road travel. The Overland Bound One app offers a range of features, including mapping tools, a community forum where you can connect with other off-road enthusiasts, and a library of resources to help you prepare for off-road adventures. You can head over to the Overland Bound Gear Store to get started.

Remember, off-road travel and overlanding offer a unique way to experience the outdoors and explore new terrain. With the right vehicle, gear, and planning, you can embark on an unforgettable adventure and connect with nature in a meaningful way. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start exploring!

What did we miss? What would you add? Share your experiences in the comments. We love to hear it!

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GPS Navigation: How your phone tracks your location when offline https://www.overlandbound.com/gps-navigation-how-your-phone-tracks-you-when-offline/ https://www.overlandbound.com/gps-navigation-how-your-phone-tracks-you-when-offline/#comments Mon, 03 Apr 2023 23:17:58 +0000 https://overlandbound.com/?p=39345

Did you know your smartphone has a GPS receiver built in? That’s why the dot on your phone tracks you even when there’s no cellular or internet connectivity. Let’s get into all the details about GPS Navigation, what it is and how to best use it for off-road navigation. 

How does GPS navigation work?

Global Positioning System or GPS is a space-based radionavigation system that has revolutionized the way people navigate the world. Initially developed by the US for military use in the Sputnik era, GPS is available globally and free of charge via its Standard Positioning Service. GPS navigation is now widely used for many civilian purposes, including navigation on smartphones. 

GPS navigation works by receiving signals from multiple satellites and using those signals to determine your exact location on the earth’s surface. When you enable location services on your phone, it uses GPS to pinpoint your location by receiving signals from at least three GPS satellites in the sky.

Imave via NASA 

Once your phone knows where you are, it can use that information to provide turn-by-turn navigation on the trail or any route that does not have cellular or wifi reception available. 

How do I use GPS navigation?

A biker uses the GPS navigation in his phone

To use GPS navigation without cellular or internet connectivity, you need to download the map data and routing information to your smartphone or tablet* ahead of time. This means that you’ll need to plan your route and download the necessary maps while you’re still connected to the internet. 

Once you’ve downloaded the necessary maps and routing information to your device, you can switch off cellular data and GPS will continue to function, even without a data connection. The downloaded maps will be stored on your phone’s internal memory or an SD card, and the GPS receiver in your phone will continue to pick up signals from the satellites to determine your location.

What else should I know about GPS navigation?

It’s important to note that when using GPS navigation without cellular or internet connectivity, you won’t be able to receive real-time traffic updates or information on road closures or accidents. You also will not be able to send or receive messages via text. This is because those updates are typically transmitted through cellular or internet networks. However, you can still use the GPS navigation to get turn-by-turn directions to your destination, and the estimated travel time will be based on the downloaded routing information.

In addition to downloading maps and routing information ahead of time, there are a few other tips to help ensure that GPS navigation works properly when you’re offline. First, make sure that your phone’s GPS receiver is turned on and that your phone has a clear view of the sky. This means that you should avoid holding your phone against your body or placing it in a pocket or bag. This is why GPS navigation doesn’t work well indoors, underground, or in areas with tall buildings or dense tree cover.

You should also make sure that your phone’s battery is fully charged before setting out on your journey. GPS navigation can drain your phone’s battery quickly, so it’s a good idea to make sure you have ample ability to recharge a phone via your vehicle, lithium power cube, portable or solar charger etc.

Get out there and explore

Remember, GPS navigation can still work on a cellular phone without cellular reception or internet connectivity. By downloading maps and routing information ahead of time and ensuring that your phone’s GPS receiver is turned on and has a clear view of the sky, you can use GPS navigation to get turn-by-turn directions to your destination, even when you’re offline. 

And always remember to download the map to where you are traveling in advance! This is very important.

So, next time you’re heading off-road or exploring a new terrain, don’t let a lack of cellular or internet connectivity hold you back – with GPS navigation, you’ll always know where you’re going.

* Pleae note: Tablets without cellular capabilities will need an external GPS Receiver hooked up via Bluetooth for offline nav purposes. Thank you to reader Dayv Carter for pointing this out.  

Download maps & Navigate Off-road with Overland Bound One

Thank you for spending a small chunk of your time here! If you’re looking to head to remote corners of the world, check out Overland Bound One for its best in class navigation tools including the ability to download maps before you venture out. Become a Premium Member here!

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7 Reasons for Living on the Road https://www.overlandbound.com/7-reasons-for-living-on-the-road/ https://www.overlandbound.com/7-reasons-for-living-on-the-road/#comments Mon, 27 Mar 2023 17:37:28 +0000 https://overlandbound.com/?p=39331

For many people, the idea of living on the road may seem unconventional and even daunting. But in the last few years (thank you 2020) the full-time traveler lifestyle has only increased in popularity as people continue to seek a sense of freedom and adventure in their lives.

The methods of living on the road vary widely, but we hear the same reasons for full time travel over and over again. Let’s take a look at the top 7 reasons for full time adventure travel and see if one (or more!) of these is inspiring you.

Computer on a desk in an RV overlooking the ocean.


One of the most significant benefits of living on the road is the flexibility it offers. When you live in a traditional home, you are tied to a particular location and routine. Living on the road allows you to be flexible with your schedule and location. You can wake up in one place and be in a completely different location by nightfall, giving you the freedom to explore new places and experiences.


Living on the road can be an affordable alternative to traditional living. With no mortgage or rent payments, you can save a significant amount of money each month.

And even if you find yourself paying for gas, maintenance and costs associated with parking your vehicle, a good chunk of folks we speak to end up breaking even.

Additionally, traveling in an RV or van allows you to save money on hotels and restaurants since you can prepare your meals and sleep in your vehicle.

A van with minimal shelving and organization perched on a cliffside.


Living on the road often means downsizing and living a minimalist lifestyle. You will only have space for the essentials, which can be liberating and help you prioritize what is truly important in life.

For some minimalist living inspiration, check out this article from Jess and Jorge of Live Work Wander. They downsized from a house to an overland vehicle, and it’s super inspiring.

The other aspect of minimalist living? It’s cost-effective. See above.

Minimalism is shown time and time again to help reduce stress and increase happiness. Heck, if there’s one take away from reading this article, we hope it inspires you to shed some belongings that might be weighing you down.


Adventure is necessary. And living on the road provides endless opportunities for it. You can explore new places, meet new people, and try new things.

The world is your playground, and there are countless adventures waiting to be had.

A man showers outside the window of his overland vehicle.

Connection to nature

Living on the road allows you to immerse yourself in nature. You can wake up to stunning views and spend your days exploring national parks and other natural wonders. This connection to nature can be grounding and help you feel more connected to the world around you.

And if you haven’t taken an outdoor shower next to your vehicle, what are you waiting for? It’s simplicty at its finest.

Breathe deeper. Move slower. Become an observer of the world around you. There’s a path to happiness there if you allow yourself to find it.

Personal growth

This is one of our favorite reasons. Living on the road can be a transformative experience that can help you grow as a person. Why? You will encounter new challenges and learn to adapt to different situations.

Patience is a must. Pacing yourself is highly recommended. Being more deliberate with your time and energy is a skill.

The decisions you make and the people you meet will also expand your awareness of the world. Coming into contact with different perspectives on life gives you the chance to expand yours.

Another opportunity to consider is that things do happen on the road. All the time. Solutions to full time overland exploration often require creative thinking and pushing your limits. This can lead to increased confidence and resilience.

The act of shaking up the status quo and changing your reality will always increase opportunities for personal growth.

A solo vanagon on an empty road with mountains in the background.


Perhaps the most significant reason to consider living on the road is the sense of freedom it provides. You are not tied down to a particular location or routine, and you can live life on your terms. This freedom can be liberating and help you to live a more fulfilling life.

How many of these are hitting you in the wanderlust corner of your heart? If more than 2 of these hit your radar, you might want to reconsider your current lifestyle and see if full time travel is a possibility for you.

Or, at the very least, see what you can do to create an adventure travel journey even if it’s for just two weeks.

Living on the road may not be for everyone, but for those who crave adventure, flexibility, and freedom, it can be an incredible way to live.

There are many reasons to consider this unconventional lifestyle. Did we miss any? Which one resonates with you the most?

We want to hear it! Hit us up in the comments.

Outfit and explore, friends.

https://www.overlandbound.com/7-reasons-for-living-on-the-road/feed/ 4
How do you roam? Starlink vs weBoost https://www.overlandbound.com/how-do-you-roam-starlink-vs-weboost/ https://www.overlandbound.com/how-do-you-roam-starlink-vs-weboost/#comments Wed, 22 Mar 2023 20:06:55 +0000 https://overlandbound.com/?p=39318

Time to talk gear. This week we’re dialoguing about cell signal boosters in an age of satellite tech. Specifically Starlink vs weBoost Drive Reach Overland.

This is not a paid or endorsed article by either company mentioned and opinions are our own.

Ready? Let’s go.

Starlink dish in front of a van.

First up: Starlink Roam

Starlink Roam is a mobile satellite internet solution that promises high-speed internet connectivity from virtually anywhere in the world. The system consists of a small, portable satellite dish that can be set up in just a few minutes. Once set up, it provides internet speeds of up to 150Mbps, making it one of the fastest mobile internet solutions available.

For context, a download speed of 150Mbps allows you to stream ultra-HD video on 6 devices at the same time and download an HD movie in 4 minutes.

The Cost Factor

We will not argue the benefits and advantages of having a system like Starlink Roam on your vehicle. However, the one time hardware cost for Starlink Roam Portable is $599 and the one time hardware cost for Starlink Roam In-Motion is a staggering $2,500. This is in addition to the monthly cost of $150/month for regional coverage and $200/month for global coverage.

Who Benefits

These costs make sense if you are a digital nomad, and your income is dependent upon connectivity to the internet. Or if you just like having that level of connectivity no matter what and no matter what reason. 

However, for those who casually explore remote locales, cost of entry could be too steep.  


  • High-speed internet connectivity from virtually anywhere in the world
  • Portable and easy to set up
  • No data caps or throttling
  • Low latency


  • Expensive initial cost
  • Monthly service subscription is required
  • Requires a clear line of sight to the sky
  • Limited availability or slower speeds due to high demand in some areas

weBoost Drive Reach Overland

But what about folks who don’t live full time on the road but trek to remote locations on a regular basis? This is where we see cell signal boosters step in.

The WeBoost Drive Reach Overland is a cellular signal booster that amplifies weak cellular signals to provide reliable mobile internet connectivity. The system consists of an external antenna that is mounted on the roof of the vehicle and an internal amplifier that boosts the signal strength inside the vehicle. The Drive Reach Overland promises to improve cellular signal strength by up to 74%.

Blue getting her teeth cleaned by Chelsea

The Cost Factor

The benefits of a cell signal booster hit right at the top of your wallet. There is a one time charge for the hardware, usually ~$500 so definitely not cheap, but no ongoing subscription costs and no update requirements. It’s one and done. 

This could be of significant value to many types of explorers especially if the hardware is used over the course of 3-4 years.

Who Benefits

A cell signal booster is a fit for those who want data connectivity to keep apps online or the ability to communicate outward with phone calls and text messaging. This is less about accessing your favorite websites and streaming services and more about basic connection. 

Now, a cell signal booster will NOT create a signal for your phone. It does what it says it does. It will use an outside antenna to snag even the faintest of signals then amplify that signal throughout your home or car. 

We used a Drive Sleek by weBoost for years and I was in a constant state of surprise at the amplification that consistently occurred. The short story is that it made a difference.

Cut to 2023 when places we used to go with zero reception are now hitting 1-2 bars LTE (and even 5G) consistently. Cell signal boosters continue to be a gear investment that makes sense to us. 

The Drive Reach Overland ($549.99) comes with a super buff rotating antenna and mounting accessories for your roof rack straight out of the box.

The components of the Drive Reach Overland by weBoost.


  • Improves weak cellular signal strength
  • Easy to install
  • No monthly service subscription required
  • Compatible with multiple carriers


  • Relies on existing cellular signal, so may not work in areas with no coverage
  • Limited to cellular internet speeds
  • May interfere with other electronic devices

And for those who don’t want the distraction of reception when they’re in the middle of nowhere? That airplane mode is clutch.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to mobile internet solutions, both the Starlink Roam and the WeBoost Drive Reach Overland are more than viable solutions. 

The Starlink Roam provides high-speed internet connectivity from virtually anywhere in the world, but at a higher initial cost and monthly service subscription. 

The WeBoost Drive Reach Overland, on the other hand, provides reliable cellular signal boosting at a lower initial cost and no monthly service subscription, but is limited to cellular internet speeds.

Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and travel habits (of course). Know how you want to roll and don’t get caught up in the tech gear race.

If you require high-speed internet connectivity in remote areas, the Starlink Roam is the better option. 

If you primarily rely on cellular signal and want to boost your signal strength while on the road, the WeBoost Drive Reach Overland is the way to go.

And now we’re curious to hear your thoughts? What say you? Let us know in the comments.

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