Comments on: Are You an Overlander? Outfit & Explore Fri, 24 Jun 2022 00:25:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: RedRob Thu, 26 Jul 2018 00:34:40 +0000 I had seen this video before but I’m glad it keeps coming around. The inclusiveness is one of the main reasons I decided to join Overland Bound. I think the principle that anyone can be and is an Overlander is important.

So does it make me a bad person if I have an actual definition of “overlanding?” (Not an “Overlander,” not the person, but the activity.)

To me, my trip becomes “overlanding” when I have to refuel from a supply I have carried with me.

By: jim SoG Wed, 25 Jul 2018 06:43:30 +0000 RIGHT ON!!! Man I love OB and the founding principles, and the fact that we all strive to adhere to them principles. Also i love the fact the Michael you are sitting in the dirt, hair not fixed up and I get the impression that you just stopped driving and grabbed a chair and camera and shot the vid…….

By: Bigsteve31 Sun, 18 Mar 2018 13:45:19 +0000 Yes thank you you are the guys I need to hang out with my local club has meetings once a month I go to look at trucks and meet people these guys only pay attention to the trucks that are hundred thousand dollar build and take pictures of them they do not even pay attention to the handful of us guys Who put there blood sweat and tears whatever money we have to build our vehicles they post pictures and videos on YouTube and it’s funny because they walk right by our vehicles and purposely edit out or trucks just to show their trucks and their friends it sucks it has to be that way us real guys Will keep doing our thing see you on the trails

By: Tim Fri, 26 May 2017 07:45:05 +0000 Think I need to watch this on a daily basis to remind me to get out there more… read the attached post for the first time today… certainly gives perspective. Thanks for sharing.

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By: Ric Fri, 05 May 2017 02:35:23 +0000 [QUOTE="Michael, post: 94011, member: 1"]Michael submitted an Article on the main site!

Are You an Overlander?

It's an interesting question I heard in passing. One I really didn't expect. What do you need to drive? What makes a trip and "overland trip"? I'll take a crack at answering the…

Continue reading the Original Blog Post.[/QUOTE]

Thx for this video…. I have always loved driving, any excuse to get out and hit the road for an hour… A day…a week….. But lately… It has not been enuff I just can't scratch that itch anymore….I don't know if it's the traffic, or the people, or just the mess of run down depressing buildings…but I have felt this tension building up in me.. A tension that just blasting down the highway used to relieve…but I have found the answer… It started looking for off the grid property to buy. Something to build a cabin on, to escape.

Then the realization that I need a 4×4 to reach a lot of the property, and that the answer was in the journey, not the destination.

Getting off the road…leaving the road rage behind, and finding my own path, the path less traveled.

Finally brings peace.

By: Phase2 Sun, 30 Apr 2017 01:02:45 +0000 "And you're welcome to the club"

Hell yeah.

By: Darthbaggins Thu, 27 Apr 2017 23:26:50 +0000 Great video! that’s why I love being up here on Nantucket, everyday I can choose to take a detour down some random dirt road/ trail and even then it’s freeing compared to being stuck in bumper to bumper back in GA where I don’t make the time to hit the trails. So far my 2yr old is loving it here when we take our detours.

By: Darthbaggins Thu, 27 Apr 2017 23:26:33 +0000 Great video that’s why I love being up here on Nantucket, everyday I can choose to take a detour down some random dirt road/ trail and even then it’s freeing compared to being stuck in bumper to bumper back in GA where I don’t make the time to hit the trails. So far my 2yr old is loving it here when we take our detours.

By: TheKnewb Tue, 18 Apr 2017 19:11:25 +0000 I love every about this post and the article/video it's referring to. As a single dad and recently retired from the military while taking care of my mother I don't have a lot of time to get out. I felt there was/is the judgement from other "crews" about my skill level, my ride(until recently was a 2012 F150) or how much time I have spent doing one thing or another. I hated that feeling.

Maybe it was my own insecurities, maybe it wasn't; what I do know is, I haven't felt this welcome since I earned my fish(those who know get it).

I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. PTSD is a very real and scary thing my thoughts and prayers are with him.

…With you all for that matter.

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By: OutlawTJ Sun, 16 Apr 2017 21:18:24 +0000 That was a great video thank you. I joined the community because of the fact that ANYONE can be an Overlander
