Comments on: Trail Guardian – Leave it Better Than You Found it Outfit & Explore Sun, 31 Jul 2022 00:22:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: BC4runner Fri, 10 Nov 2017 17:50:41 +0000 We started camping with our children when they were infants almost 25 years ago. As soon as they were old enough, we made a game out of trash collection. As soon as we stopped to set camp, we would send them on a “treasure hunt” to collect as much trash as possible. This was a great way for them to occupy time while set camp and a release of their energy after sitting in the truck for hours of travel. The reward was selected what to eat for dinner. We did the same when we broke camp, and the winner could choose where to stop along the way to our next destination. Now even though they are both young adults and help set up camp we all clean up the camp when we arrive and leave, and the reward is knowing that the next camper might notice. It has always amazed me how much litter there is to collect.

By: KarmaSeoul Sun, 05 Nov 2017 18:11:24 +0000 A consistent problem in most areas in most the areas we’ve been to. Hiking here and there we always manage to collect a small bag. Might be a good idea to connect to groups already involved in cleanup projects. Like when in college my Rotaract club did a few pick ups of local reservation areas/ trails.

By: Kelso Thu, 12 Oct 2017 06:01:02 +0000 I think the coins are a great idea to be given out to those who take the time and dedication to organize and get a group together for a clean up day. As far as cleaning up your camp site and along the trails you run, I agree with the notion that it is essentially our duty and I’d be disappointed if anyone here didn’t. I’ve filled garbage bags with other peoples cigarette butts, bottle tops, toilet paper and much worse just about every time we go camping and often post about it to help spread the message. I think those willing to take it a step further deserve a cool reward, thanks OB!

By: RoverLandingSOCAL Tue, 03 Oct 2017 21:07:19 +0000 Lol, my family cracks up at me when we stop to 'relax' and I'm walking around filling up the Trasharoo….great program BUT I feel like we should be doing this as Overlanders and lovers of nature, regardless if a coin is involved! I do it once a week EASILY…but you won't find me taking pictures of it all because I'm not looking for praise…just looking to enjoy the areas I trail in a little more. NOTHING against those taking pics of it of course but its our DUTY (in my personal opinion) to do our part in trail clean-up.

By: Neil Q Smith Tue, 03 Oct 2017 14:53:29 +0000 I have been involved in Conservation Projects for a long time, which commonly includes rubbish collection and removal.

Also have my own personal policy of cleaning up campsites, so that they are better / cleaner then when we arrived.

I simply hate seeing all the trash "floating around" campsites, due to idel folks.

It's a philosophy and policy that I am trying hard to impress upon my 2 teenage girls, so that they take over this mind-set when they leave home.

It seems to be working…

Perhaps I should look into the idea of organizing a local "Clean-Up Day" with OB Members (and potential future OB Members) located in this part of SW Norway.

Norway coastline suffers from plastic debris "wash-up" – mostly from Europe via North Sea currents.

This has been recently publicised by Sky News, with their "Ocean Rescue" campaign.

If anyone would be interested in joining me for a "Clean-Up Day" in locations around Sandnes, Rogaland, SW Norway, I would like to hear from you.

Working together, to build a better / cleaner future……

By: Kevigizmo Tue, 03 Oct 2017 07:17:35 +0000 The whole scheme is a fantastic one as Michael had mentioned in the original article that it is our responsibility to help maintain the trails so that others can enjoy them,

If you spare 15 minutes before or after a trail to help clear up any rubbish you find you will be aiding in the conservation!

Sadly there are many trails which get trashed quite literally due to inconsiderate people dumping rubbish but also fly-tipping larger objects

There are schemes like Tread Lightly and GLASS-UK which promote the trails and how to assist in looking after them – Highly recommend joining them #DoYourBit #TrailGuardian

By: EddieWM10 Sun, 24 Sep 2017 11:33:27 +0000 Wow this is the greatest idea for a law that is have ever heard. I'm kind of jealous that the first pin was already given out. but I can't wait until I get my own pin.

By: Murphy Slaw Sun, 24 Sep 2017 11:25:10 +0000 Slobs…..

By: BrianP Sun, 24 Sep 2017 04:26:12 +0000 Before:[ATTACH=full]35214[/ATTACH]



In total picked up 15 beer cans, quite the party.

And tomorrow, helping in the 4WDBC cleanup at Triangle Beach.

By: Rexplorer Thu, 21 Sep 2017 23:33:47 +0000 i also love it. its a real problem around here. and unfortunately many places.
