Comments on: Unperfect in Moab Part 2 Outfit & Explore Fri, 24 Jun 2022 00:25:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tj6818 Fri, 17 Feb 2017 04:15:13 +0000 Sounds like fun but not the Cold!

By: Tim D Fri, 17 Feb 2017 03:27:20 +0000 Awesome Video!!!

By: TXpedition Thu, 16 Feb 2017 18:51:54 +0000 Just out of curiosity, who’s playing the slide guitar at the beginning of the video?

By: derMechaniker Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:33:48 +0000 I so want to hang with you two.

This is great footage for so many reasons.

By: Ej Martin Mon, 30 Jan 2017 19:50:31 +0000 What drone are you using for your shots? Does it follow you by itself?

By: dstock Mon, 30 Jan 2017 19:40:42 +0000 [QUOTE="trikebubble, post: 71129, member: 2937"]Yes, I thought this particular video  was among the best you have done. The cozy almost unplanned feel, the soundtrack, and the back and forth commentary (along with the cameo by Jon Snow) made for a great overall package. As we were watching it, my Wife commented on how she is looking forward to our next big adventure. Cheers.

As far as lighting a fire in less than ideal circumstances goes, I'm a firm believer of: "when in doubt…get the darn gas can out…."[/QUOTE]

I have to say my girlfriend and I had the exact same reaction to the video, definitely got us excited for our next trip too!

By: trikebubble Mon, 30 Jan 2017 18:02:24 +0000 Yes, I thought this particular video  was among the best you have done. The cozy almost unplanned feel, the soundtrack, and the back and forth commentary (along with the cameo by Jon Snow) made for a great overall package. As we were watching it, my Wife commented on how she is looking forward to our next big adventure. Cheers.

By: finlayforprez Sun, 29 Jan 2017 23:06:33 +0000 I love the Moab sets of videos. You guys did a phenomenal job detailing your trip and experiences. It’s such an amazing place, but also can be rather unforgiving at times. I was laughing out loud at your comments about me and my LR4 – hahaha! It was quite an honor, as they say you tease the ones you like? HAHAHA!

By: Winterpeg Sun, 29 Jan 2017 02:10:04 +0000 Great video as always Michael.  Nice shades :wink::sunglasses:

Re: cold weather fire starting….

I am by no means an expert but I have started a few fires in the winter, a few on purpose even! (Kidding!)

My story:

-It was about -40

-Getting dark

-matches+paper just wasn't cutting it – couldn't get the temperature of the cold sticks up high enough for them to combust

-gas can on roof hand pump failed (replaced since then and ALWAYS have a shaker siphon with me now)

-I had an attachment for a 1 lb propane bottle that is typical for soldering when plumbing

-so cold out I still had a heck of a time lighting anything

-having to tip it over to light the fire on the ground made the propane torch catch itself on fire and the fire spread down the side of the bottle

-after throwing the bottle into the nearby snowbank like it was a grenade I went back to the FJ to see what else I could use (yes, I retrieved it when I figured it wasn't going to explode anymore!)

-road flare for the win!

I was finally able to bring the temperature up enough on the sticks for them to light and stay lit.  By this time it was full dark and the warmth was VERY welcome.

So, not only are road flares good for on the road in an emergency… they also are a good LAST resort for fire starting.  Just try not to breathe in the fumes as I'm sure it's carcinogenic, lol.

(I just realized this ended up way more long-winded than I figured so if you need to have me start a new thread let me know, lol)

By: CastilleRouge78 Wed, 18 Jan 2017 09:09:27 +0000 Watched this last night; well done! Can't wait for part 2 [emoji41]

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