For many people, the idea of living on the road may seem unconventional and even daunting. But in the last few years (thank you 2020) the full-time traveler lifestyle has only increased in popularity as people continue to seek a sense of freedom and adventure in their lives.

The methods of living on the road vary widely, but we hear the same reasons for full time travel over and over again. Let’s take a look at the top 7 reasons for full time adventure travel and see if one (or more!) of these is inspiring you.

Computer on a desk in an RV overlooking the ocean.


One of the most significant benefits of living on the road is the flexibility it offers. When you live in a traditional home, you are tied to a particular location and routine. Living on the road allows you to be flexible with your schedule and location. You can wake up in one place and be in a completely different location by nightfall, giving you the freedom to explore new places and experiences.


Living on the road can be an affordable alternative to traditional living. With no mortgage or rent payments, you can save a significant amount of money each month.

And even if you find yourself paying for gas, maintenance and costs associated with parking your vehicle, a good chunk of folks we speak to end up breaking even.

Additionally, traveling in an RV or van allows you to save money on hotels and restaurants since you can prepare your meals and sleep in your vehicle.

A van with minimal shelving and organization perched on a cliffside.


Living on the road often means downsizing and living a minimalist lifestyle. You will only have space for the essentials, which can be liberating and help you prioritize what is truly important in life.

For some minimalist living inspiration, check out this article from Jess and Jorge of Live Work Wander. They downsized from a house to an overland vehicle, and it’s super inspiring.

The other aspect of minimalist living? It’s cost-effective. See above.

Minimalism is shown time and time again to help reduce stress and increase happiness. Heck, if there’s one take away from reading this article, we hope it inspires you to shed some belongings that might be weighing you down.


Adventure is necessary. And living on the road provides endless opportunities for it. You can explore new places, meet new people, and try new things.

The world is your playground, and there are countless adventures waiting to be had.

A man showers outside the window of his overland vehicle.

Connection to nature

Living on the road allows you to immerse yourself in nature. You can wake up to stunning views and spend your days exploring national parks and other natural wonders. This connection to nature can be grounding and help you feel more connected to the world around you.

And if you haven’t taken an outdoor shower next to your vehicle, what are you waiting for? It’s simplicty at its finest.

Breathe deeper. Move slower. Become an observer of the world around you. There’s a path to happiness there if you allow yourself to find it.

Personal growth

This is one of our favorite reasons. Living on the road can be a transformative experience that can help you grow as a person. Why? You will encounter new challenges and learn to adapt to different situations.

Patience is a must. Pacing yourself is highly recommended. Being more deliberate with your time and energy is a skill.

The decisions you make and the people you meet will also expand your awareness of the world. Coming into contact with different perspectives on life gives you the chance to expand yours.

Another opportunity to consider is that things do happen on the road. All the time. Solutions to full time overland exploration often require creative thinking and pushing your limits. This can lead to increased confidence and resilience.

The act of shaking up the status quo and changing your reality will always increase opportunities for personal growth.

A solo vanagon on an empty road with mountains in the background.


Perhaps the most significant reason to consider living on the road is the sense of freedom it provides. You are not tied down to a particular location or routine, and you can live life on your terms. This freedom can be liberating and help you to live a more fulfilling life.

How many of these are hitting you in the wanderlust corner of your heart? If more than 2 of these hit your radar, you might want to reconsider your current lifestyle and see if full time travel is a possibility for you.

Or, at the very least, see what you can do to create an adventure travel journey even if it’s for just two weeks.

Living on the road may not be for everyone, but for those who crave adventure, flexibility, and freedom, it can be an incredible way to live.

There are many reasons to consider this unconventional lifestyle. Did we miss any? Which one resonates with you the most?

We want to hear it! Hit us up in the comments.

Outfit and explore, friends.